Composite order



Use my easy-to-use online form at the bottom of this page to conveniently order stallion semen.

To do so, please enter all relevant data; after successful submission, a confirmation will appear.

Orders via WhatsApp or social media channels are generally not processed.

Please always check the availability of semen by telephone. Semen is shipped from our certified EU insemination stations in Belgium, Holland and Poland.


Combined order:

Der Samenversand erfolgt Montag bis Freitag und die Auslieferung erfolgt am Folgetag in der Regel bis 10.00 Uhr. Samstagszustellung mit Aufschlag. Genaue Kosten erfragen Sie bitte im Büro. Die Versandkosten werden direkt von der Fa. Innight Express Germany GmbH mit dem Besteller abgerechnet.

Nur vollständig ausgefüllte Bestellungen werden bearbeitet !!! Der Rechnungsversand erfolgt per Email !!!

Mit dem Absenden des Bestellformulars erkennen Sie die allgemeinen Bedingungen und die Datenschutzerklärung an. Wir verarbeiten Ihre Vertragsdaten (z.B. in Anspruch genommene Leistungen, Namen von Kontaktpersonen, Zahlungsinformationen) um unsere vertraglichen Verpflichtungen und Serviceleistungen zu erfüllen. Die in Onlineformularen als verpflichtend gekennzeichneten Angaben sind für die Bestellung erforderlich.

Conditions for ordering seeds (T&Cs):

1. Please always check the availability of the semen by telephone.


2. The breeding season runs from February 1st to August 31st of each year. Semen orders must be placed in writing Monday to Saturday by 9:00 a.m. using the order form below.

Shipping is possible Monday to Saturday and only takes place after full payment has been received.

Delivery is usually the next day, weekend deliveries incur a surcharge. The exact shipping costs can be requested from the office.

3. Insemination with native semen from our stallions stationed here is possible by arrangement.


4. For foreign customers, I charge €50.00 per delivery for processing and issuing the veterinary certificate (Traces paper) and a flat rate of €100.00 per delivery plus VAT and shipping costs for filling the shipping container with liquid nitrogen including the rental fee.


5. The stud fees stated are plus 7% VAT and are to be paid before the first semen shipment. Invoices are sent by email and are due for payment immediately. I reserve the right to refuse to deliver semen if the invoices are not paid in full or if there has been a delay in payment in the past or if shipping containers have not been returned on time. The shipping costs are billed directly to the customer by the transport company.


6. A pregnant mare can only be considered as such if there is a veterinary certificate stating that she is not pregnant.


7. I had the stallions tested for WFFS (FFS) using fresh semen. You can find the results in the description of each stallion. If you use a stallion that is marked as WFFS positive, MVS Pferdezucht & EU-Hengstdepot will cover the laboratory costs for testing your mare. The amount will be marked as a credit in the stud fee invoice and will not be paid out. Only applies to stallions that are stationed in Hademarschen.


8. Due to the current change in the performance test regulations, I would like to point out to our breeders that the use of stallions for breeding before they have completed the sports tests or the 14-day test / 50-day test and before they have achieved the required sports successes is at the breeder's own risk. The stallion owners will endeavour to obtain the relevant performance certificates, but cannot guarantee them!!!


9. Please also note that the registration of foals from stallions licensed abroad is not possible with every association; permission may have to be applied for by the breeder. Please clarify this in advance with your breeding association.


10. Please ask my office about the special conditions and prices for frozen sperm. Frozen sperm is only intended for use in artificial insemination. The use of the sperm for e.g. embryo transfer or ICSI / OPU is prohibited. For reasons of animal breeding law, frozen sperm can only be given to recognized insemination stations and veterinarians. The passing on of frozen sperm to third parties is prohibited. The division of insemination portions is not permitted. Only one mating certificate is written for each portion sold. Mating certificates are only issued by me. Violations will be prosecuted. The resale of frozen sperm is prohibited.


11. In order to prevent illegal seed trading, I expressly point out that the breeder/customer only acquires use of the seed by paying the stud fee and not ownership of it. Violations will be prosecuted. The unused and used sequins/straws must be returned free of charge.


12. Semen can only be sent abroad if the full stud fee plus shipping costs and costs for the Traces papers are paid in advance. I reserve the right to charge any additional costs for semen delivery.


13. I have some TG shipping containers, but I would like to ask our customers to send us their own containers for transport because we cannot guarantee availability. TG shipping is only possible against advance payment of the shipping costs for the outward and return shipments. We have also now equipped our shipping containers with a GPS tracker so that we can track where the containers are located.


14. Use of frozen semen is at the breeder's/customer's risk. There is no claim or compensation against MVS Pferdezucht & EU-Hengstdepot or the stallion owners. The frozen semen received is only to be used for the specified mare in normal insemination. Resale/distribution is prohibited, as is ET/ICSI/OPU and will be prosecuted. Return of used and unused straws. In the event of unauthorized use or distribution, a contractual penalty of €2,500.00 will be due.


15. Stallions that come from other breeding associations and are used for breeding are only partially registered in the original breeding associations. Breeders must expect to pay higher fees in these associations. Information should be obtained from the relevant associations.


16. Liability for transport damage is excluded. Complaints should be reported in writing to the office immediately on the day of delivery. Otherwise, the transport will be invoiced. After insemination, the signed semen shipping certificates must be returned with the shipping containers.

They must be returned to the station with sufficient postage. Otherwise, you will be charged for them.

17. Here, too, only humans work and humans can make mistakes, so we ask you to check your semen deliveries. If it happens that you do not receive the semen you want, inform me immediately by phone and also in writing by email to If we do not receive any notification, later complaints are excluded. The semen user, i.e. the veterinarian or inseminator, must check the delivery before insemination, i.e. the labeling of the semen tubes and the enclosed semen papers and, if necessary, consult the breeder. If the semen user still uses the wrong semen, the user is solely liable for any damage. All semen portions (fresh or frozen semen) are labelled with the stallion's name, life number, date of production, station name and approval number. If something is not right, do not hesitate to inform us and ask before use.

18. A contractual penalty of €2,500.00 will be due if the breeder/buyer violates the terms and conditions, does not pay invoices or does not return shipping containers.

19. The breeding certificate will only be issued and passed on to the respective breeding association once the stud fee invoice has been paid in full and all other costs incurred (veterinarian, stable fees, shipping, etc.) have been settled.

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